How do you auto-type the contents of the clipboard from the host into a guest Virtual Box instance?

Can do that with AutoHotKey on a windows host.

I wrote this script which sends the contents of the clipboard once you press Win+v.

Save it as sendClipboard.ahk:

; win + v
  SendRaw %clipboard%

if you’ve installed AutoHotKey, you can execute it by double-clicking the file. a “H” icon will appear in the system tray notification area.

Now you will be able to use Win+v to send the clipboard contents as text to the active window.

NOTE: don’t forget to press your HOST key, usually the right Ctrl, in order to return the focus to your host os, before using Win+v.

WARNING The script is basic and does not try to protect you from inserting eg. a big image data from the clipboard as text… so it requires you to understand and know what you are doing to make use of it.

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