Copy file to workstations with Windows Intune

Seems one of the only ways to copy files to PC’s in Intune seems to be to create an MSI file to deploy them which requires a MSI packager ( Laboursome) . However, this can also be done using Windows app (Win32) container

Copy.bat File

rem Copy Files
copy off.ini c:\Windows\System32\off.ini
copy BSPECIAL.DLL c:\Windows\System32\BSPECIAL.DLL
rem Set Permissions
icacls "c:\Windows\System32\BSPECIAL.DLL" /grant Everyone:M
icacls "c:\Windows\SysWOW64\BSPECIAL.DLL" /grant Everyone:M

You will need to make sure the folder exists before you copy files to it such as below , or you can use the XCOPY function instead of copy

if not exist C:\Temp\Test 
mkdir if not exist C:\Temp\Test 


del.bat file

del c:\Windows\System32\off.ini
del c:\Windows\System32\BSPECIAL.DLL
del c:\Windows\SysWOW64\BSPECIAL.DLL


Next run the IntuneWinAppUtil.exe File

Please specify the source folder: F:\Config Files
Please specify the setup file: copy.bat
Please specify the output folder: C:\TempPath\BuildsoftAppps

Create a new Windows app (Win32) App in Intune , upload the copy.intunewin and use the commands below

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